System Utilities



Good afternoon,

I am wondering why I usually use the system utilities software such as "V
Com SystemSuite v5 and Norton System Works" without any computer problems.
Please tell me how much is it important to use system utilities software.
Windows XP has its own programs to fix and to do something for the system
performance, so is it necessary to use the other utilities program, please
tell me.

Sorry for these silly ideas.




Luise said:
Good afternoon,

I am wondering why I usually use the system utilities software such as "V
Com SystemSuite v5 and Norton System Works" without any computer problems.
Please tell me how much is it important to use system utilities software.
Windows XP has its own programs to fix and to do something for the system
performance, so is it necessary to use the other utilities program, please
tell me.

Sorry for these silly ideas.



System Utility software is supposed to help keep your operating system
"clean" and smooth-running. Of course, these utilities need to be used
in conjunction with other software such as antivirus and spyware
applications in order to minimize problems.

As to whether you "need" third party vs. Microsoft provided utilities,
the answer will vary depending on the utility. Often third party
software is sold (and bought) because it is considered better than what
Microsoft provides.

The reader should exercise normal caution and backup the Registry and
data files regularly, and especially before making any changes to their
PC, as well as performing regular virus and spyware scans. I am not
liable for problems or mishaps that occur from the reader using advice
posted here.

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