System Spikes...



OK, I have no friggin' clue what's causing this on a
3.56GHz box, but just today my box started spiking from
the usual 3%-4% idle process usage, to 80%-100% usage.
This causes the entire system to lock for a second,
including the mouse. If I am typing, the cursor and text
freezes, then everything pops up real fast. The mouse
will just stop where it is at, then appear where it
should have been. I have not installed anything (hardware
or software) and I have not removed anything either. I
just did my yearly format last month around the first, so
it's a good clean install on NTFS. I also ran Symantec
AntiVirus to make sure it wasn't a virus, and after a
long scan, nothing was found. I reinstaleld my EIDE,
SATA, and AGP drivers. This still happens though. The box
hasn't been moved or anything. What's going on?

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

A 3.56 ghz box? As there is no processor that runs anywhere near this speed,
must we assume that you are over clocking your processor to the point that
it is freezing. Then again, maybe you don't really mean to infer that you
have a 3.56 ghz processor.

Maybe if you were a bit clearer in your inquiry.....


Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)



Obviously you dunno' that there are two chips that do run
at that speed. One is AMD and one is Intel. Trust me, I
do NOT OC my stuff. I like it to last a few years and
don't want to pour money into water-cooling for a few
hundred extra MHz.

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

Please! What AMD CPU runs at 3.56 ghz (actual clock speed), without over
clocking. I want to buy one (-:


Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)



System Idle Process means what it says: the percentage of your system that
is idle. The higher the percentage the better. If you watch in Task Manager
the various processes running, you will notice that anytime a PROCESS starts
to use a greater percentage, the System Idle Process number will go DOWN the
exact same amount that the process goes UP.


It's one of the high-end XP series.

My problem seems to have gone away with my tinkering. I
have no clue WTF was causing this problem. It doesn't
really matter since I'll have to put in a new drive
Wednsday. I bought a SATA drive (native SATA, not the
fake crap) and UPS says it'll be here Wednsday. I can't
wait. No more EIDE, just SATA! Hope MS doesn't give me
any trouble though. I usually only format once a year so
I only need to activate XP once a year. This'll be two in
two month's time. Only differences will be the HD and
monitor though.

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

I have the highest of the XP series, the Athlon XP 3200+ . It runs at 2.2


Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)


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