system restore



I have a bug in my computer and I tried to do a system restore and only a
blank page comes up. How do I fix the system restore so I can use it?


Try restarting your computer with the CD inside the CD-Rom and follow the
directions for a repair that follow.

If that doesnt work, boot to safe mode and try it from the cd that way. To
boot into safe mode, while the computer is starting up hold "F8" and then
proceed into safe mode. Once there, put your windows CD into the CD-Rom like
normal and try a repair from there.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Temporarily disable your anti-virus software / script blockers if any, and
try again. If that does not help, execute these commands from Start, Run

regsvr32 jscript
regsvr32 /i mshtml
regsvr32 nusrmgr.cpl

If this problem occurred after installing the latest Cumulative Update for
Internet Explorer (October 2005 updates), then read further:

Download the file available here (it is a registry file
that origin from MS Support, and it has fixed the ActiveX problem
for several people, getting this problem after installing KB896688):

Extract it and double click the contained OLEfix.reg file. Click Yes
on the dialog box that asks you if you are sure to add the information
in OLEfix.reg to the registry.

You may have to reboot your machine afterwards.


ActiveX controls may not load as expected in Internet Explorer due to
defense in depth changes introduced in cumulative security update 896688

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

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