System.NullReferenceException in system.dll



Im getting:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'
occurred in system.dll
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an

The error is outside of my code and I cant get any debug info, just a
disassembly of:

000000a0 movzx esi,al

I've used try-catch on all areas of the code that i think could be
involved, but yet the this exception slips though.

It taks me about half an hour to reproduce this error, so it is quite
a time consuming task to debug. Could someone please tell me what kind
of events might be the cause of this error?


Is there any way to contain/catch the exception then?
I still cant get rid of it. :(
I've tried

public static void SystemErrorHandler(Object Sender,
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs Args)
Exception e = (Exception)Args.ExceptionObject;
Console.WriteLine ("Caught : " + e.Message);

in winmain:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new
UnhandledExceptionEventHandler ( SystemErrorHandler);

But the handler never seems to get invoked. The exception still
escapes and causes the program to crash.

PLEASE help, this error has brought the my entire project to a
complete stand-stil.

(and please excuse my bad English :) )

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