System Idle Process



I am running a windows XP tower, a 1.4 P4, and my
computer is freezing up. When I hit CTL+ALT+DEL my
taskmanager shows "System Idle Process" using 99% of my
CPU. What is this, and how do I stop it?

Wesley Vogel


[[Main Entry: 1idle
Pronunciation: 'I-d&l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): idler /'Id-l&r, 'I-d&l-&r/; idlest /'Id-l&st,
Etymology: Middle English idel, from Old English Idel; akin to Old High
German Ital worthless
2 : not occupied or employed: as a : having no employment : INACTIVE <idle
workers> b : not turned to normal or appropriate use <idle funds> <idle
farmland> c : not scheduled to compete <the team will be idle tomorrow>]]

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