System File Checker



When I do a "sfc /scannow", windows prompts that I insert the Windows XP Pro
CD. I have the Home Edition installed on my pc. It also says that some dll
files need to be copied to my dll cache. I looked in the windows folder and
I don't think I have a dll cache.

Ramesh [MVP]

I've noticed this prompt when the i386 folder in the hard disk have been
deleted (or not present). The SFC dialog will prompt you insert the XP
Professional CD though you may have XP Home installed. Just ignore the
dialog and insert your XP Home CD and complete the process.

OTOH, if you have a OEM Restore CD (ex..Compaq, DELL PCs), nothing much can
be done to selectively restore the core system files.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

When I do a "sfc /scannow", windows prompts that I insert the Windows XP Pro
CD. I have the Home Edition installed on my pc. It also says that some dll
files need to be copied to my dll cache. I looked in the windows folder and
I don't think I have a dll cache.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Yes, that should be sufficient.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You guys are sooooo the bestest in the
westest. I've been e-mailing HP for the past days, and their suggestions
didn't help. Thanks again.

Ramesh [MVP]

You're welcome.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You guys are sooooo the bestest in the
westest. I've been e-mailing HP for the past days, and their suggestions
didn't help. Thanks again.

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