System crash



My computer keeps crashing everytime I work with MicrosoftWord. My software
is Windows XP 2002 Home edition. I have done the necessary updates but my
system still crashes when I work with Word. What can I do?


First, there is no Windows XP 2002. You have either XP Home w/SP2 or XP Pro

Second, what version of Word? Standalone or part of Works or Office?

Maurice N ~ MVP

As Jerry asked, which version of Word do you have. When Word is up & running, first thing, select Help/About from the main menu. That will shows the version. Post back with the full descriptive version number.

Also, try to provide much more detail. What do you really mean by crash? What error or fault message did you see? Write it all down & post back with that info. What were you doing at the time of "crash" ? Had you been typing a very large document?

Did all of Windows "crash", freeze up, show a STOP error??? or was it only Word?

Is your Windows running well before you start using Word?

Right Click the My Computer icon on desktop. Select Properties.
Next, select Advanced. Look for a block that says Startup and recovery. Press the settings button.
In System failure section, turn off (un-check) Automatically restart.
Write an event to system log should be Checked (selected).

More on program crashes:
See what Event Viewer has in it's log. Select Start button/ select Run , then type in


-- or Go to Control Panel / Performance and Maintenance/Administrative Tools >Event Viewer.

Review the sections and look for Errors or Warnings that match the time the event occurred.
Double click---the information "may" give a clue.

Tips on research & making good posts


Thank you Jerry and Maurice for your interest in my my question. I don't know
much about computer so I may not have given sufficient or adequate
information about my system.
However, I have some more information to give.
The version of Windows that I am using is Windows XP Home Edition.
The problem I have occurs when I work with Microsoft Word. When I try to
type a document or make changes to existing documents it freezes for about
ten seconds then it gives me the following messages: "Microsfot Word has
verified an error. The programme will be closed". Luckily for me it recovers
the document after it reopens again. I've unchecked the "Automatically
restart" box in the control panel but nothing has changed.
The event viewer log gives me the following: Type: Error; Origin: Microsoft
Office 10; Category: None; Event: 1000; User: N/D.
My programme was working well before this happened the other day.
I will be most grateful if you can profer me with a solution.

Worried Austin

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