System Clock Changes On It's Own




At least 1-2 times per week my PC's clock changes time & date on it's own.
It's always one day ahead (approx. 24 hrs). Didn't really bother me until I
was going round and round with my bank when I could not access my accounts
through Quicken. Came to find out the clock was causing the conflict with
their server clock.

My Date & Properties has the Auto synch box checked for this server:

Should I uncheck it and see if this clears the problem 1st?


XP Pro SP2

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Tim,

Is the BIOS time set correctly? If not, the system could be picking up the
wrong time at boot.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Steve B.

Make sure your time zone is set correctly. Double click the clock in
the task bar then click the time zone tab. If that is correct click
on the internet time tab and have it synchronize and see if it goes
back to the correct time. Let us know what happens.

Steve B.


Yep, I inadvertantly checked that (BIOS Clock) when the system was crashing
last week, couldn't get it to Windows, kept going through the Boot, Re-Boot.
Somehow got it to stop and back to windows.

Yes, EST Time Zone and sync'd perfectly. Maybe it's my firewall blocking the
sync port I seemed to have read somewhere here. Thanks for your input

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