system 32



EVerytime I log onto windows a system 32 folder opens. I
have narrowed it down to /L:Eng
Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run in my
system configuration utility. If this is unchecked the
folder does not open on start-up. Does anyone know what
this controls and how and if I can delete it from the
system configuration utility or registry. I cannot find
it anywhere but the utility?

Brad Combs


Wrong newsgroup, but here it goes anyway....

Open Registry Editor (Start>Run>Regedit)

Navigate to HKLM>Software>Microsoft>Windows>Current Version>Run

Look in this key for a string value that looks like the path to the folder
that you don't want to have at startup.

Highlight and delete the key.


As always you edit the registry at your own risk. If your not comfortable
with it find someone who is.


Brad Combs
Imago Technologies

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