System 32 folder opens after startup



How can I stop the "system 32 folder from opening on the
desktop after I start my computer


Thanks responding,

I downloaded the file and ran it. I got a message back
that it cannot find a certain file.

This is all associated with a virus Trojan.Benuti and a
file wotypw.exe. Norton recognizes it as a virus but
cannot clean it.
-----Original Message-----
Visit and scroll down
to Item No. 260. In the right column, click on "System32 Folder Opens
Upon Boot". Download this repair file and then run the repair.

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

Gary Tsang
Microsoft MVP - Windows XP Shell/User

How can I stop the "system 32 folder from opening on the
desktop after I start my computer


Doug Knox MS-MVP

Boot your computer in Safe Mode and run your AV Scan again.

Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows XP/ Windows Smart Display
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes
Per user Group Policy Restrictions for XP Home and XP Pro
Please reply only to the newsgroup so all may benefit.
Unsolicited e-mail is not answered.

Scott said:
Thanks responding,

I downloaded the file and ran it. I got a message back
that it cannot find a certain file.

This is all associated with a virus Trojan.Benuti and a
file wotypw.exe. Norton recognizes it as a virus but
cannot clean it.
-----Original Message-----
Visit and scroll down
to Item No. 260. In the right column, click on "System32 Folder Opens
Upon Boot". Download this repair file and then run the repair.

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

Gary Tsang
Microsoft MVP - Windows XP Shell/User

How can I stop the "system 32 folder from opening on the
desktop after I start my computer



tried the tweak and it did not run. not only is folder opening at start it pops up every 10 secs. Yikes!

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