synchronize folders between vista and xp?




My desktop pc is running Vista ultimate.
My laptop is running XP SP2.
What is the best tool to synchronize my personal documents between these 2
pc's, so that they have the exact same files and folder structure?
It would be a bi-directional sync: one file modified on one pc would be
copied to the other one.
Thanks in advance,


Hans-Georg Michna

My desktop pc is running Vista ultimate.
My laptop is running XP SP2.
What is the best tool to synchronize my personal documents between these 2
pc's, so that they have the exact same files and folder structure?
It would be a bi-directional sync: one file modified on one pc would be
copied to the other one.

Have a look at .


Hans-Georg Michna

I tried SyncToy 2 beta and so far it works well

Thanks for reporting this. I don't beta-test, but I may have
another look later.

Anybody else using it? How does it go?


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