Switching MS Access 2007 to use Overlapping or Tabbed Document in




Does anyone know how to switch how Access 2007 between these two display
modes in code? Obviously I cannot expect my dearly beloved users to go to the
Access options and do it manually. In fact I would rather not!

If TabbedDocument mode is set then a property of UseMDIMode becomes visible
as currentdb.properties("UseMDIMode") = true or false but if it is not there
I do not seem to be able to easily create it.

If you open up Access Options and tick "Tabbed Documents" and then run the
following code:
for i 0 to currentdb.properties.count -1
debug.print currentdb.properties(i).name
next i
You will see UseMDIMode (and a host of other properties). Switch back to
Overlapping Windows and all these disappear.

It appears I could use currentdb.properties.add but this expects an object
and there is no documentation as to what the object is.

I mainly want to do this because Access seems to run faster when switching
between screens when using Tabbed Documents.

Regards Tim Freeman

Allen Browne

Set a property named UseMDIMode on the database.
Use 0 for tabbed windows.
If the property does not exist yet, create it as a byte.

For an example, it's included on this page:
Prevent Access 2007 users modifying existing databases



Looks good and usefull, I shall have a prod around in the next few days -
unfortunately I have to earn my daily crust elsewhere.


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