Switching identity in OE6


Johnny Schmitt

I am running WinXP Pro Sp1 on a clean install --- Pent 4...1.7 ghz....512
mgs memory.....more than 5 gigs on hard drive free.

I have two separate identities on OE6 with my secondary identity set up with
a password. If in the "manage Identities" section I set it with a check
mark to "Use this identity to start a program" it switches OK, but the
identities choice logon appears for me to switch (with password if I am
going to my secondary), and once passed that and asking If I want to stay on
the same session, the choice block appears again causing me to go through
the procedure again (I never had to do this before in Win98SE or XP Home).

If I uncheck the "use this identity to start a program" then when I choose
my secondary identity it blinks as if changing and goes right back to my
primary identity again.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.


PA Bear

From your headers: Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106

It's due to a bug in OE6-SP1 and the update Q330994 *may* help. With your
antivirus application disabled the entire time, seek updates for your system
at Windows Update (get Q818529 & Q330994, at least).

Note: Q330994 also contains a Switch Identity bug (for some users) and we're
awaiting a fix. If you find it affects you, see the workarounds on this
page: http://insideoe.tomsterdam.com/tips/forceid.htm
OE6-specific newsgroup:

HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)


Johnny Schmitt

Thanks for the answer. I guess I'll wait for Microsoft to repair the bug. It
doesn't cause problems for me, its just very annoying.

BTW,...thanks for the workarounds page, but my problem is just the opposite:
I not only get asked for the right identity, but I get asked for it twice,
that's the problem.

Thanks for your help.


Johnny Schmitt

Thanks PA Bear!

My problem, though, is not that OE6 won't bring up the identity "choice" box
to logon, it does that just fine. My problem is this:
1......After being inOE6 under my identity I then want change to my other
identity to check mail there.
2......I go to "switch identity" and choose my other identity and type in
the apprpriate password I have set up for it and hit "ok."
3.....The current OE6 screen goes away, and the prompt to stay on the same
session pops up for which I choose to keep.
4......THEN (and here is one of the problems), the "choose identity" box
pops up AGAIN making me choose once again my other identity and once again
having to type in the password. This redundacy never used to happen and
doesn't happen on my other computer operating OE6 with Win98SE.


5.....I have tried (and here is the other problem), going to "manage
identities" and checking the spot "use this identity when starting a
program" because I DON"T want the identity logon to pop up before logging on
the OE6 the first time.
6.....What this causes is that NOW it won't let me switch identities. When I
go through the normal steps of switching, it just reverts back to the
orginal identity.

I hope this better explanation from me of the problems I am having helps a


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