switchboard no longer works



I think I did a major no no in Access 2003. I tried to change the name of one
of the sub-switchboard names and now I get the following error message
everytime I try to open up the main switchboard..."Run time error '2465': ZIP
can't find the field 'OptionLabel1' referred to in your expression." I am
very new to Access and know absolutely nothing about Microsoft Visual Basic.
To make matters worse, this is a vital program used in our office. If you
could help figure out how I can get the main switchboard back up and running,
I would be forever grateful. All the other forms and tables work fine but the
main switchboard is inaccessible. Please help!!!


This may be what you are looking for from googling the news group:

I created a Switchboard first, but I ended up deleting the Switchboard and
now I am trying to create the Switchboard again and it doesn't work, it
me enter all the information bur it won't create the form for the
for me to open and to see that it works, how can I fix this problem.

You did not mention whether you deleted the table or the form, but
here is a past post of mine which should help. Post back if you still
have problems.

If you need to create a new Switchboard Form, but wish to save the existing
data in the Switchboard
Items table then follow these steps:

1. Backup your database (always a good thing).
2. Since you deleted the form go ahead and compact the database to clear out
any dust bunnies.
3. Right click on the Switchboard Items table and rename it to "zSwitchboard
Items" (no quotes
4. Run the Switchboard Manager Add-in again. The wizard will say it cannot
find a valid one and ask
if you wish to create a new one. Say Yes. After the first wizard form comes
up just close the
wizard. You will notice that another new Switchboard Items table and
Switchboard form have been
5. Delete the new Switchboard Items table.
6. Rename the table "zSwitchboard Items" back to just Switchboard Items.
7. Compact the database once again.
8. You should be back in business. Make any adjustments to the items by
running the wizard again if


Go into the switchboard manager, delete the item that referes to the name you
changed. Recreate it using the name you changed it to. If the second part
of this does not work, you will have to recreate to renamed page from scratch.


Thank you so much for your help...
It worked like a charm...I am just afraid of deleting the original
switchboard form so I kept it's renamed name and deleted the new switchboard
items table.
Thank you so much...because of you I still have my job!
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Donna :)

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