Swim team Lookup issues



I have an excel spreadsheet with the following:
a b c
1 NAME Race1 Race 2
2 Kaytee 00:41.00 02:33.10
3 Kristen 00:31.66 02:12.54
4 Lauren 02:13.54
5 Lauren R 00:31.44 02:26.75
6 Lauren S 00:43.18 02:34.90
7 Lisa 00:34.72 02:11.54
8 Lisa f
9 Liz 00:28.43 02:13.52
11 Min Value 00:28.43 02:11.54
12 Name #NA #NA

I want to return the name of the person in row 12 which matches the min
Value from row 11 for each of the races. When I use the following fomula I
get a error of NA: =LOOKUP(b11,B2:B11,A2:A11).
Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong or how to fix the problem would be




Rethink the storage of your data.
DONT store data in a "matrix" instead make a table:
make "fields" for the distinctive properties of your data

Swimmer Date Location/Descr Distance Time

THEN do the summarizing/reporting/filtering etc with
pivottables or DB worksheetfunctions.

Set some data validation on the input columns
to prevent input errors (wrong names, illegal times)

It may look awkward in the beginning
as your data is just a "RAW" list..
and not the "ready for consumption" matrix you're familiar with.

But esspecially the PivtoTables are a VERY powerful tool
to get those "matrices" (With "automatic" selections,
comparisons between races, graphing etc.

Trust me. you'll find that it's a lot easier
and far more flexible then what your trying to do.

the only thing is to learn a bit about PivotTables.
start in help and within the hour you'll have some very
looking pivots. (once the data is reorganized as per above)


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