Swap file problem



Hi all - I've been running xp pro with a dedicated swap file partition -
everything has been fine until recently and I have noticed that the swap
space is always full to capactity (1500mb) - I have moved it to other
partitioand get the problem....

I have 1 Gig Ram installed


14 Stone Ninja

sacrum (e-mail address removed), wrote in message
(e-mail address removed):
Hi all - I've been running xp pro with a dedicated swap file
partition - everything has been fine until recently and I have
noticed that the swap space is always full to capactity (1500mb) - I
have moved it to other partitioand get the problem....

I have 1 Gig Ram installed


Which ****ing problem?


sacrum said:
Hi all - I've been running xp pro with a dedicated swap file
partition - everything has been fine until recently and I have
noticed that the swap space is always full to capactity (1500mb) - I
have moved it to other partitioand get the problem....

I have 1 Gig Ram installed

Here's one for JANA.


sacrum said:
Hi all - I've been running xp pro with a dedicated swap file
partition -
everything has been fine until recently and I have noticed that the
space is always full to capactity (1500mb) - I have moved it to other
partitioand get the problem....

I have 1 Gig Ram installed

Put the following into a .vbs file via notpade and then run it. You will
see what your Pagefile is actually using and has used during the current

WriteToFile = True 'Options: True, False
ShowPopup = True 'Options: True, False
DisplaySeconds = 0 '0 (zero) to force OK

If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
WriteToFile = False
ShowPopup = False
DisplaySeconds = 0
For Each arg in WScript.Arguments
If LCase(arg) = "log" Then
WriteToFile = True
End If
If LCase(arg) = "rpt" Then
ShowPopup = True
End If
If Left(LCase(arg), 2) = "t:" Then
If IsNumeric(Mid(arg, 3)) Then
DisplaySeconds = Mid(arg, 3)
End If
End If
End If

For Each obj in GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery(_
"Select Name, CurrentUsage, PeakUsage, " & _
"AllocatedBaseSize from Win32_PageFileUsage",,48)
s = s & vbcrlf & "Pagefile Physical Location: " & vbtab & obj.Name
s = s & vbcrlf & "Current Pagefile Usage: " & vbtab & obj.CurrentUsage
& " MB"
s = s & vbcrlf & "Session Peak Usage: " & vbtab & obj.PeakUsage & "
s = s & vbcrlf & "Current Pagefile Size: " & vbtab &
obj.AllocatedBaseSize & " MB"

If WriteToFile Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
logfile = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"). _
SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\PagefileLog.txt"
If NOT fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, 1, True).AtEndOfStream Then
With fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, 1)
s2 = .ReadAll : .Close
End With
End If
With fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, 2)
.Write Now() & vbcrlf & s & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & s2 : .Close
End With
End If

If ShowPopup Then
WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup _
s, DisplaySeconds, "WinXP Pagefile Usage Monitor", 4096
End If


sacrum said:
Hi all - I've been running xp pro with a dedicated swap file partition -
everything has been fine until recently and I have noticed that the swap
space is always full to capactity (1500mb) - I have moved it to other
partitioand get the problem....

I have 1 Gig Ram installed

just let windows manage your pagefile and forget it...
considering that today's harddrives are 250gigs and up
who cares about the size of your pagefile


philo said:
just let windows manage your pagefile and forget it...
considering that today's harddrives are 250gigs and up
who cares about the size of your pagefile

tina....vb doesn't compile....

* * * Y o u r . S h e p h e r d . A q u i

sacrum said:
Hi all - I've been running xp pro with a dedicated swap file partition -
everything has been fine until recently and I have noticed that the swap
space is always full to capactity (1500mb) - I have moved it to other
partitioand get the problem....

I have 1 Gig Ram installed

swap would only degrade the performance for you.

Kadaitcha Man

fidox, <afsd dal (e-mail address removed)>, the cloven, idiosyncratic bull, and hirer
of changing huts by the seaside, puked:

what an asshat...

Good question. What is an asshat?


"* * * Y o u r . S h e p h e r d . A q u i l a . D e u s . ( d 2 0 0 5 x x ,
d 2 0 0 4 x x , d 2 0 0 3 x x , d 2 0 0 2 x x ) * * *"
swap would only degrade the performance for you.
tina - worked great.....

I've found problem....my cpu a64 4000 memory controller has broken

Kadaitcha Man

the error-prone said:
Tina, <[email protected]>, the two-eared, slow-witted skainsmate, and
worker employed by farms to fill sacks with cow manure, hooted:

Well, they can't hurt you as mush as looking in the mirror.

No doubt that Freudian slip will turn out to be uncannily accurate too.

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