SW Inventory Help



Boss had me run an SMS software inventory on all SW. Came
back with 13 different types of MS Access (vers
2.09.0000001, 3.00.0002, 4.00.2927.2, 8.0.3512, 8.0.4122,
9.0.2719, 9.0.3822, 9.0.4506, 9.0.6620). I've learned that
for Access 2000, it is 9.0.xxxx where xxxx is the build
number. I cannot find anything on any of the previous
versions. Any help emailed directly to me to the email
address, less nospam, would be appreciated as my hair is
thin enough. Thanks.



Joan, that worked GREAT for seve of 13. I think the
3.00.0002 is an Access Runtime instance. Thanks tho.


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