Svchost.exe Memory



I have a fairly new laptop
AMD Turion 64 ML-40
1 Gig ram
100gig hard drive

I have a wireless network stup with a router. My problem is that my Svchost
file in taskmanager is using a total of about 60% of my used ram. I have
ProcessExplorer program and it didnt show anything suspisious. I also looked
to make sure all were from my c:\windows\system32 folder. Nothing looks bad.
but when i turn on my wireless adapter my laptop goes down for about 5 mins.
Goes down= I lose all control, no programs open Ctrl+ALT+Del wont respond and
my taskbar loses the center portion. It takes awhile but soon enough Task
manager opens and everything is fine, but my Svchost is using alot of ram and
Cpu. I think this may be the problem maker. Is there any way to find out if
it is, Eventviewer shows no errors. Please help, is there a memory leak.


As this is a brand new laptop then you must hav XP with SP2. I suspect that
the problem with the Wireless network card driver. You better check the
manufacturer website and find is there ny issued with this hardware on XP.


Yeah I got Xp Pro with SP2, ill check my network card drivers for updates,
but is there anything else that could cause this problem?


Yes there are many other reason too but in your case whenver you initiate
your Wireless card cpu goes high.

Normally SVHOST.exe goes high when the Internet explorer is infected and
you'll find many Svchoste.exe running at the same time , in the Task Manager.

So the better way is to troubleshoot step-by-step to find the exact problem.


The update worked for the night but it slowly goes back up. By the way im
running IE 7.0 RC1. Dont know if that could be a problem. Ive just updated
all my drivers. The Svchost.exe takes less ram, but soon enough it goes back
up. What else could cause it?
PS: After I updated my wireless card driver, i noticed that 1: Windows One
Care wasnt in the task bar. 2: SVChost was only taking 5megs of ram a piece,
total of about 50 megs. 3: Automatic Updates was off. Any reason these things


You mentioned 'I have a wireless network stup with a router. My problem is
that my Svchost file in taskmanager is using a total of about 60% of my used

So check which APP consuming more memory?

1.Windows One Care wasnt in the task bar. No Idea (but I'm not using it)
2: SVChost was only taking 5megs of ram a piece, total of about 50 megs .
(so this is resolved right?)

3: Automatic Updates was off. Any reason these things -- you can turn it on
through My Computer Properties -- Automatic Updates

So your probles is solved?


My memory was fine last night but today it is back up to 40 megs a piece just
like last night. I think that turning off automatic updates might work. But i
looked in my Process Manager and found that SVChost controls my audio and
weird stuff like that is that normal?


Yes SVChost controls many services even the network service. In my laptop
I've 1 GB and almost 400 MB is consumed by many processes. The problem occurs
when the CPU goes high and then you have to check whether SVCHOST is the
cause? So your CPU is not high anymore?


Yeah my CPU is down finally, i guess ill just have to deal with it till I up
my ram. Thanks for your help

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