Suppressing System Message



I am having a Form, in which I list a lot of pathes to picture files. On the
Form Current Event the related pic is loaded to and displayed in a control.
This works fine. The only thing nagging me, is the - each time a pic is
loaded - message box informing me that pic soandso is imported. I know that,
and I wanted it, so there is no use in informing me. Is there any way to
suppress the display of such system message. I tried DoCmd.Echo False and
also Application.Echo False, neither works. Anyone knows?

Thanks for trying

Ulrich 1947


I am having a Form, in which I list a lot of pathes to picture files. On the
Form Current Event the related pic is loaded to and displayed in a control.
This works fine. The only thing nagging me, is the - each time a pic is
loaded - message box informing me that pic soandso is imported. I know that,
and I wanted it, so there is no use in informing me. Is there any way to
suppress the display of such system message. I tried DoCmd.Echo False and
also Application.Echo False, neither works. Anyone knows?

Thanks for trying

Ulrich 1947

See " API: Suppress the "Loading Image" dialog"

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