Sun gets a special overclocked dual-core Opteron



Looks like AMD is producing a special Opteron for Sun's Galaxy launch.

Bechtolsheim: We worked with AMD to bring a higher performance
version of the dual-core chip to market. So, this is actually a
higher-power version, a 120-watt chip that they especially made for us.
I guess they announced that they are going to also sell it to other
people, but we're the only company that's going to actually ship this
chip for a while into the market. This gives us one speed grade higher
than what's available from anybody else.

Yousuf Khan

Tony Hill

Looks like AMD is producing a special Opteron for Sun's Galaxy launch.

Bechtolsheim: We worked with AMD to bring a higher performance
version of the dual-core chip to market. So, this is actually a
higher-power version, a 120-watt chip that they especially made for us.
I guess they announced that they are going to also sell it to other
people, but we're the only company that's going to actually ship this
chip for a while into the market. This gives us one speed grade higher
than what's available from anybody else.

Hmm.. interesting. AMD has found a new best friend. Previously it
was HP that got first dibs on new versions of processors. Even as
recently as 3 or 4 months ago HP was getting some AMD chips before
others, such as the Socket 939 Sempron processors that still aren't
really available outside of HP systems. Kind of makes you wonder if
HP will frown on this slight favoritism towards Sun on the new Opteron
systems, especially since Sun is benchmarketting their new boxes in
comparison to HP Opteron boxes (in addition to Dell Xeon systems).


Well, the Socket 939 Semprons are desktop parts, completely different
market than what Sun is getting special treatment on (Opterons). Sun
won't be selling Semprons anytime soon. In fact, HP's special
relationship in desktops might only be affected by a possible entry by
Lenovo, or very distantly possible, Dell.

BTW, The 120W parts are 2.4Ghz dual-core and 2.8Ghz single-core.

Yousuf Khan


Looks like AMD is producing a special Opteron for Sun's Galaxy launch.

Bechtolsheim: We worked with AMD to bring a higher performance
version of the dual-core chip to market. So, this is actually a
higher-power version, a 120-watt chip that they especially made for us.
I guess they announced that they are going to also sell it to other
people, but we're the only company that's going to actually ship this
chip for a while into the market. This gives us one speed grade higher
than what's available from anybody else.

Yousuf Khan

So if they are 120W Opterons, they would be running at around __.__ GHz

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