


I am trying to take a set of data and make it simpler to work with, but don't
want to have to retype all the data. On sheet 1(data), I have names in column
A, orders or sales in column b, the day of the week in column c, and the
beginning date of the week in D through BC (not my design). The columns with
the week begin date have the number of orders or sales contained within. What
I would like to get is a second worksheet(records), with 5 columns, names,
week begin date, day of week, orders, and sales. I tried to use sumproduct,
but get an #N/A error.

I used
This was to get the orders. Can you tell me where I went wrong, or if I'm
using the wrong function?

Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.


I caught the error regarding column c, and changed that to $C$289, but now I
get "1" as the result.

JE McGimpsey

By using ranges of different dimensions (e.g., A2:A289, C2:C290), the
product of the array will contain #N/A (e.g., the 289th element for the
two ranges above). This is passed through to SUMPRODUCT's result.

As a first step, try changing C2:C290 to C2:C289.

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