Matt S
I am trying to create a table that counts the number of instances my
"lambda" value and my "temperature" value fall within a range. My lambda
values are in column P and my temp values in N. I am creating a sheet as
such, where I am trying to count the number of times lambda and temp fall
within the range. I.E. the first count would be the number of instances
lambda falls between 2 and 2.005.
Lambda Count Lambda Temp Count Temp
2 20
2.005 x 21 x
2.01 x 22 x
2.015 x 23 x
This is my code so far... please help! Please look to see why this is
giving me such a hard time. The error is coming in on the "LambaRange" and
"TempRange" within my SumProduct function. I tried replacing them with
1000, but then it highlighted the ":" and said ")" expected.
'Make Lambda and Temp Distribution Plots
Dim LambdaRange As Range
Dim TempRange As Range
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'Define distribution table ranges
Ldist = 0.005
TDist = 1
NumLRows = (2 - 0.5) / Ddist
NumTRows = (1500 - 20) / TDist
'Initial lambda and temp values
Range("AF8").Value = 2
Range("AG8").Value = 20
'Define Ranges within runlog
Set LambdaRange = Range(Cells(1, "P"), Cells(LastRow, "P"))
Set TempRange = Range(Cells(1, "N"), Cells(LastRow, "N"))
'create temp and lambda table and count # of instances data fell between
For i = 9 To NumLRows
Range("AF" & i).Value = Range("AF" & i - 1).Value + Ldist
Range("AG" & i).Value = SumProduct((LambdaRange > _
Range("AF" & i - 1).Value) * _
(LambdaRange < Range("AF" & i).Value))
For i = 9 To NumTRows
Range("AH" & i).Value = Range("AH" & i - 1).Value + TDist
Range("AI" & i).Value = SumProduct((TempRange >= _
Range("AH" & i - 1).Value) * _
(TempRange <= Range("AH" & i).Value))
I am trying to create a table that counts the number of instances my
"lambda" value and my "temperature" value fall within a range. My lambda
values are in column P and my temp values in N. I am creating a sheet as
such, where I am trying to count the number of times lambda and temp fall
within the range. I.E. the first count would be the number of instances
lambda falls between 2 and 2.005.
Lambda Count Lambda Temp Count Temp
2 20
2.005 x 21 x
2.01 x 22 x
2.015 x 23 x
This is my code so far... please help! Please look to see why this is
giving me such a hard time. The error is coming in on the "LambaRange" and
"TempRange" within my SumProduct function. I tried replacing them with

'Make Lambda and Temp Distribution Plots
Dim LambdaRange As Range
Dim TempRange As Range
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'Define distribution table ranges
Ldist = 0.005
TDist = 1
NumLRows = (2 - 0.5) / Ddist
NumTRows = (1500 - 20) / TDist
'Initial lambda and temp values
Range("AF8").Value = 2
Range("AG8").Value = 20
'Define Ranges within runlog
Set LambdaRange = Range(Cells(1, "P"), Cells(LastRow, "P"))
Set TempRange = Range(Cells(1, "N"), Cells(LastRow, "N"))
'create temp and lambda table and count # of instances data fell between
For i = 9 To NumLRows
Range("AF" & i).Value = Range("AF" & i - 1).Value + Ldist
Range("AG" & i).Value = SumProduct((LambdaRange > _
Range("AF" & i - 1).Value) * _
(LambdaRange < Range("AF" & i).Value))
For i = 9 To NumTRows
Range("AH" & i).Value = Range("AH" & i - 1).Value + TDist
Range("AI" & i).Value = SumProduct((TempRange >= _
Range("AH" & i - 1).Value) * _
(TempRange <= Range("AH" & i).Value))