Sumproduct in VBA



Hello all,

Appreciate your help.

Basically, I have a looong equation in an excel cell, mainly utilising
Sumproduct function. I.e. (simplified)

Cell A4:
= sumproduct((D1:D10="June")*(E1:E10="Mark")*(F1:F10))

Problem is that function above is repeated for multiple entities (i.e. John,
Lisa, Nick.... inadidition to Mark) and it gets rather messy.
I'm hoping to define a VBA function, such as:
getPerson(D1:D10, June, E1:E10, Mark) or getPerson(June, Mark)

to make it easy for the person auditing the worksheet (and the second
variant so that I don't have to pass the constant references everytime)....

Is this possible?

Bob Phillips

Well, you could do this,

Function GetPerson(rng1 As Range, name1, rng2 As Range, name2, rng3 As

GetPerson = Application.Caller.Parent.Evaluate( _
"SUMPRODUCT((" & rng1.Address & "=""" & name1 & """)*" & _
"(" & rng2.Address & "=""" & name2 & """)*" & _
"(" & rng3.Address & "))")

End Function


getPerson(D1:D10, "June", E1:E10, "Mark",F1:F10)

hardly saves much IMO



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Function getperson(s1 As String, s2 As String) As Integer
dq = Chr(34)
p1 = "=sumproduct((D1:D10=" & dq
p2 = dq & ")*(E1:E10=" & dq
p3 = dq & ")*(F1:F10))"
func = p1 & s1 & p2 & s2 & p3
getperson = Evaluate(func)
End Function

Use as:



I was thinking along the same lien, except my code doesn't work :( I think it
faults at the first line where I am attempting to set the range (a range in a
different worksheet).

Can you please help me? Thanks a mil.

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("P1:p200")
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice & "=" &
officeNo & ")*(" & rngeState & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & rngeSkill & "=" & skillLevel & ")*" &
empRange & ")")
End Function

The aim of the function is to return sum in the empRange, given matches in
the other three columns... The three columns stay fixed, empRange moves
around a bit.....


Bob Phillips

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("P1:p200")
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice.Address & "="
& officeNo & ")*" & _
"(" & rngeState.Address & "=" &
state & ")*" & _
"(" & rngeSkill.Address & "="""
& skillLevel & """)*" & _
empRange.Address & ")")
End Function

But this is poor UDF design, because if any of the ranges P1:p200, Q1:Q200,
or D1:D200 change, then the UDF does not recalculate.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Thanks for your reply...

The function seems to breakdown on the first Set line (Set rngeOffice....).
If I put a breakpoint on the secondline, doesn't get to it and I get a "A
value used in the formula is a wrong data type" error in Excel....

I did consider the downside of declaring some of the ranges inside the
function... They remain fairly static and this is a one-off exercise, so
decided to make it easier on the eyes instead

Bob Phillips

That suggests that the value you are passing as officeNo or state is not a
number, or sillLevel is not a string.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Just some added:

Might as well just use strings to refer to the ranges. Bob's suggestion
failed to use the optiona arguments for Address, and so they would refer to
the activesheet and not the Staffing All Sites sheet (unless it was the

Also, just to highlight Bob's addition which you may have missed: since
SkillLevel is a string, it needs to be in double quotes in the formula:

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim r1 as String, r2 as String, r3 as String

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$Q$1:$Q$200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$D$1:$D$200"

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")")
End Function

Here is an example of evaluating the string in the immediate window

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!Q1:Q200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!D1:D200"
set empRange = Activesheet.Range("M1:M200")
officeNo = 5
State = 6
SkillLevel = "A"
? "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"


SUMPRODUCT(('Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200=5)*('Staffing All
Sites'!Q1:Q200=6)*('Staffing All


Thank you Bob and Tom for your help.... I think the suggestions you've made
have stopped the function falling over on the first line.

Yes I have included the string in double quotes. just some observations
first: "empRange" will also be from the "Staffing All Sites" worksheet (not
the active worksheet; the column range will vary in that worksheet).

Tom, I have made the adjustments as per your suggestions. The funciton is
now falling over on the "Evaluate" line. In Excel I am getting the following
error message: "Moving or deleting cells caused an invalid cell reference, or
function is returning a reference error". The debugger reports "Error 2023"
on this line.... I am looking into this error, can you suggest something?


Tom Ogilvy said:
Just some added:

Might as well just use strings to refer to the ranges. Bob's suggestion
failed to use the optiona arguments for Address, and so they would refer to
the activesheet and not the Staffing All Sites sheet (unless it was the

Also, just to highlight Bob's addition which you may have missed: since
SkillLevel is a string, it needs to be in double quotes in the formula:

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim r1 as String, r2 as String, r3 as String

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$Q$1:$Q$200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$D$1:$D$200"

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")")
End Function

Here is an example of evaluating the string in the immediate window

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!Q1:Q200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!D1:D200"
set empRange = Activesheet.Range("M1:M200")
officeNo = 5
State = 6
SkillLevel = "A"
? "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"


SUMPRODUCT(('Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200=5)*('Staffing All
Sites'!Q1:Q200=6)*('Staffing All

Tom Ogilvy

kMan said:
Thanks for your reply...

The function seems to breakdown on the first Set line (Set rngeOffice....).
If I put a breakpoint on the secondline, doesn't get to it and I get a "A
value used in the formula is a wrong data type" error in Excel....

I did consider the downside of declaring some of the ranges inside the
function... They remain fairly static and this is a one-off exercise, so
decided to make it easier on the eyes instead


do something like

s = "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"
debug.print s
getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate(s)

then look in the immediate window for the formula that is produced. copy it
from the immediate window and see if it can be legitimately used in a cell.
If not, fix it to produce a good formula.

Tom Ogilvy

kMan said:
Thank you Bob and Tom for your help.... I think the suggestions you've made
have stopped the function falling over on the first line.

Yes I have included the string in double quotes. just some observations
first: "empRange" will also be from the "Staffing All Sites" worksheet (not
the active worksheet; the column range will vary in that worksheet).

Tom, I have made the adjustments as per your suggestions. The funciton is
now falling over on the "Evaluate" line. In Excel I am getting the following
error message: "Moving or deleting cells caused an invalid cell reference, or
function is returning a reference error". The debugger reports "Error 2023"
on this line.... I am looking into this error, can you suggest something?


Tom Ogilvy said:
Just some added:

Might as well just use strings to refer to the ranges. Bob's suggestion
failed to use the optiona arguments for Address, and so they would refer to
the activesheet and not the Staffing All Sites sheet (unless it was the

Also, just to highlight Bob's addition which you may have missed: since
SkillLevel is a string, it needs to be in double quotes in the formula:

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim r1 as String, r2 as String, r3 as String

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$Q$1:$Q$200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$D$1:$D$200"

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")")
End Function

Here is an example of evaluating the string in the immediate window

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!Q1:Q200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!D1:D200"
set empRange = Activesheet.Range("M1:M200")
officeNo = 5
State = 6
SkillLevel = "A"
? "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"


SUMPRODUCT(('Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200=5)*('Staffing All
Sites'!Q1:Q200=6)*('Staffing All

Tom Ogilvy

kMan said:
Thanks for your reply...

The function seems to breakdown on the first Set line (Set rngeOffice....).
If I put a breakpoint on the secondline, doesn't get to it and I get a "A
value used in the formula is a wrong data type" error in Excel....

I did consider the downside of declaring some of the ranges inside the
function... They remain fairly static and this is a one-off exercise, so
decided to make it easier on the eyes instead


Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("P1:p200")
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice.Address & "="
& officeNo & ")*" & _
"(" & rngeState.Address & "=" &
state & ")*" & _
"(" & rngeSkill.Address & "="""
& skillLevel & """)*" & _
empRange.Address & ")")
End Function

But this is poor UDF design, because if any of the ranges P1:p200, Q1:Q200,
or D1:D200 change, then the UDF does not recalculate.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

I was thinking along the same lien, except my code doesn't work :( I think
faults at the first line where I am attempting to set the range (a range
in a
different worksheet).

Can you please help me? Thanks a mil.

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("P1:p200")
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice & "=" &
officeNo & ")*(" & rngeState & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & rngeSkill & "=" & skillLevel & ")*" &
empRange & ")")
End Function

The aim of the function is to return sum in the empRange, given matches in
the other three columns... The three columns stay fixed, empRange moves
around a bit.....



Function getperson(s1 As String, s2 As String) As Integer
dq = Chr(34)
p1 = "=sumproduct((D1:D10=" & dq
p2 = dq & ")*(E1:E10=" & dq
p3 = dq & ")*(F1:F10))"
func = p1 & s1 & p2 & s2 & p3
getperson = Evaluate(func)
End Function

Use as:

Gary''s Student - gsnu200740


Hello all,

Appreciate your help.

Basically, I have a looong equation in an excel cell, mainly utilising
Sumproduct function. I.e. (simplified)

Cell A4:
= sumproduct((D1:D10="June")*(E1:E10="Mark")*(F1:F10))

Problem is that function above is repeated for multiple entities (i.e.
Lisa, Nick.... inadidition to Mark) and it gets rather messy.
I'm hoping to define a VBA function, such as:
getPerson(D1:D10, June, E1:E10, Mark) or getPerson(June, Mark)

to make it easy for the person auditing the worksheet (and the second
variant so that I don't have to pass the constant references

Is this possible?


Thanks a mil Tom and Bob.... it was a stupid space character. It works if I
declare the ranges as:
r1 = "' Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
with a space character after '... No idea why, but good bye you cruel, cruel
world.... :)

Tom Ogilvy said:
do something like

s = "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"
debug.print s
getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate(s)

then look in the immediate window for the formula that is produced. copy it
from the immediate window and see if it can be legitimately used in a cell.
If not, fix it to produce a good formula.

Tom Ogilvy

kMan said:
Thank you Bob and Tom for your help.... I think the suggestions you've made
have stopped the function falling over on the first line.

Yes I have included the string in double quotes. just some observations
first: "empRange" will also be from the "Staffing All Sites" worksheet (not
the active worksheet; the column range will vary in that worksheet).

Tom, I have made the adjustments as per your suggestions. The funciton is
now falling over on the "Evaluate" line. In Excel I am getting the following
error message: "Moving or deleting cells caused an invalid cell reference, or
function is returning a reference error". The debugger reports "Error 2023"
on this line.... I am looking into this error, can you suggest something?


Tom Ogilvy said:
Just some added:

Might as well just use strings to refer to the ranges. Bob's suggestion
failed to use the optiona arguments for Address, and so they would refer to
the activesheet and not the Staffing All Sites sheet (unless it was the

Also, just to highlight Bob's addition which you may have missed: since
SkillLevel is a string, it needs to be in double quotes in the formula:

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim r1 as String, r2 as String, r3 as String

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$Q$1:$Q$200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$D$1:$D$200"

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")")
End Function

Here is an example of evaluating the string in the immediate window

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!Q1:Q200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!D1:D200"
set empRange = Activesheet.Range("M1:M200")
officeNo = 5
State = 6
SkillLevel = "A"
? "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"


SUMPRODUCT(('Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200=5)*('Staffing All
Sites'!Q1:Q200=6)*('Staffing All

Tom Ogilvy


Thanks for your reply...

The function seems to breakdown on the first Set line (Set rngeOffice....).
If I put a breakpoint on the secondline, doesn't get to it and I get a "A
value used in the formula is a wrong data type" error in Excel....

I did consider the downside of declaring some of the ranges inside the
function... They remain fairly static and this is a one-off exercise, so
decided to make it easier on the eyes instead


Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("P1:p200")
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice.Address & "="
& officeNo & ")*" & _
"(" & rngeState.Address & "=" &
state & ")*" & _
"(" & rngeSkill.Address & "="""
& skillLevel & """)*" & _
empRange.Address & ")")
End Function

But this is poor UDF design, because if any of the ranges P1:p200, Q1:Q200,
or D1:D200 change, then the UDF does not recalculate.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

I was thinking along the same lien, except my code doesn't work :( I think
faults at the first line where I am attempting to set the range (a range
in a
different worksheet).

Can you please help me? Thanks a mil.

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("P1:p200")
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice & "=" &
officeNo & ")*(" & rngeState & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & rngeSkill & "=" & skillLevel & ")*" &
empRange & ")")
End Function

The aim of the function is to return sum in the empRange, given matches in
the other three columns... The three columns stay fixed, empRange moves
around a bit.....



Function getperson(s1 As String, s2 As String) As Integer
dq = Chr(34)
p1 = "=sumproduct((D1:D10=" & dq
p2 = dq & ")*(E1:E10=" & dq
p3 = dq & ")*(F1:F10))"
func = p1 & s1 & p2 & s2 & p3
getperson = Evaluate(func)
End Function

Use as:

Gary''s Student - gsnu200740


Hello all,

Appreciate your help.

Basically, I have a looong equation in an excel cell, mainly utilising
Sumproduct function. I.e. (simplified)

Cell A4:
= sumproduct((D1:D10="June")*(E1:E10="Mark")*(F1:F10))

Problem is that function above is repeated for multiple entities (i.e.
Lisa, Nick.... inadidition to Mark) and it gets rather messy.
I'm hoping to define a VBA function, such as:
getPerson(D1:D10, June, E1:E10, Mark) or getPerson(June, Mark)

to make it easy for the person auditing the worksheet (and the second
variant so that I don't have to pass the constant references

Is this possible?

Bob Phillips

That must be because the worksheet name has a leading space.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

kMan said:
Thanks a mil Tom and Bob.... it was a stupid space character. It works if
declare the ranges as:
r1 = "' Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
with a space character after '... No idea why, but good bye you cruel,
world.... :)

Tom Ogilvy said:
do something like

s = "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"
debug.print s
getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate(s)

then look in the immediate window for the formula that is produced. copy
from the immediate window and see if it can be legitimately used in a
If not, fix it to produce a good formula.

Tom Ogilvy

kMan said:
Thank you Bob and Tom for your help.... I think the suggestions you've
have stopped the function falling over on the first line.

Yes I have included the string in double quotes. just some observations
first: "empRange" will also be from the "Staffing All Sites" worksheet
the active worksheet; the column range will vary in that worksheet).

Tom, I have made the adjustments as per your suggestions. The funciton
now falling over on the "Evaluate" line. In Excel I am getting the
error message: "Moving or deleting cells caused an invalid cell
reference, or
function is returning a reference error". The debugger reports "Error
on this line.... I am looking into this error, can you suggest



Just some added:

Might as well just use strings to refer to the ranges. Bob's
failed to use the optiona arguments for Address, and so they would
refer to
the activesheet and not the Staffing All Sites sheet (unless it was

Also, just to highlight Bob's addition which you may have missed:
SkillLevel is a string, it needs to be in double quotes in the

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As Integer,
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim r1 as String, r2 as String, r3 as String

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$P$1:$P$200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$Q$1:$Q$200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!$D$1:$D$200"

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")")
End Function

Here is an example of evaluating the string in the immediate window

r1 = "'Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200"
r2 = "'Staffing All Sites'!Q1:Q200"
r3 = "'Staffing All Sites'!D1:D200"
set empRange = Activesheet.Range("M1:M200")
officeNo = 5
State = 6
SkillLevel = "A"
? "SUMPRODUCT((" & r1 & "=" _
& officeNo & ")*(" & r2 & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & r3 & "=""" & skillLevel & """)*" _
& empRange.Address(1,1,xlA1,True) & ")"


SUMPRODUCT(('Staffing All Sites'!P1:p200=5)*('Staffing All
Sites'!Q1:Q200=6)*('Staffing All

Tom Ogilvy


Thanks for your reply...

The function seems to breakdown on the first Set line (Set
If I put a breakpoint on the secondline, doesn't get to it and I
get a "A
value used in the formula is a wrong data type" error in Excel....

I did consider the downside of declaring some of the ranges inside
function... They remain fairly static and this is a one-off
exercise, so
decided to make it easier on the eyes instead


Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As Range

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("Q1:Q200")
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All Sites").Range("D1:D200")

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" &
rngeOffice.Address & "="
& officeNo & ")*" & _
"(" &
rngeState.Address & "=" &
state & ")*" & _
"(" &
rngeSkill.Address & "="""
& skillLevel & """)*" & _
empRange.Address &
End Function

But this is poor UDF design, because if any of the ranges
P1:p200, Q1:Q200,
or D1:D200 change, then the UDF does not recalculate.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail
in my addy)

I was thinking along the same lien, except my code doesn't work
:( I think
faults at the first line where I am attempting to set the range
(a range
in a
different worksheet).

Can you please help me? Thanks a mil.

Function getEmployeeOnSkill(officeNo As Integer, state As
skillLevel As String, empRange As Range) As Variant
Dim rngeOffice As Range, rngeState As Range, rngeSkill As

Set rngeOffice = Sheets("Staffing All
Set rngeState = Sheets("Staffing All
Set rngeSkill = Sheets("Staffing All

getEmployeeOnSkill = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & rngeOffice &
"=" &
officeNo & ")*(" & rngeState & "=" & state _
& ")*(" & rngeSkill & "=" &
skillLevel & ")*" &
empRange & ")")
End Function

The aim of the function is to return sum in the empRange, given
matches in
the other three columns... The three columns stay fixed,
empRange moves
around a bit.....



Function getperson(s1 As String, s2 As String) As Integer
dq = Chr(34)
p1 = "=sumproduct((D1:D10=" & dq
p2 = dq & ")*(E1:E10=" & dq
p3 = dq & ")*(F1:F10))"
func = p1 & s1 & p2 & s2 & p3
getperson = Evaluate(func)
End Function

Use as:

Gary''s Student - gsnu200740


Hello all,

Appreciate your help.

Basically, I have a looong equation in an excel cell, mainly
Sumproduct function. I.e. (simplified)

Cell A4:
= sumproduct((D1:D10="June")*(E1:E10="Mark")*(F1:F10))

Problem is that function above is repeated for multiple
entities (i.e.
Lisa, Nick.... inadidition to Mark) and it gets rather
I'm hoping to define a VBA function, such as:
getPerson(D1:D10, June, E1:E10, Mark) or getPerson(June,

to make it easy for the person auditing the worksheet (and
the second
variant so that I don't have to pass the constant references

Is this possible?

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