Summing large columns



I'm summing a large column that varies in length depending on the data I've
pulled in. At the mo, I have set up the last cell of the sum to be
ridiculously large, A65000 say. When I calculate it takes an age (although
this may be due to other things that need to update) - would it be
significantly quicker to make it a sumif not blank function on the column.
Or is there another quicker way. Any help would be great as there are only
so many cups of coffee I can drink whilst waiting!! :blush:)

Ron Rosenfeld

I'm summing a large column that varies in length depending on the data I've
pulled in. At the mo, I have set up the last cell of the sum to be
ridiculously large, A65000 say. When I calculate it takes an age (although
this may be due to other things that need to update) - would it be
significantly quicker to make it a sumif not blank function on the column.
Or is there another quicker way. Any help would be great as there are only
so many cups of coffee I can drink whilst waiting!! :blush:)

Unless your function is in an array formula, I do not believe the SUM function
is the cause of your delay.

I just SUM'd the entire column ( =SUM(A:A) or SUM(A1:A65535) ) and it took a
"blink of an eye"

SUMIF would probably take longer.

More detail might be helpful.


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