Summary Worksheet with VBA



I was searching previous posts before posting my question and didn't find any
that addressed this specific situation.

I have a workbook with 10 sheets. All 10 sheets have code that totals up
column D and puts the sum at the bottom of the sheet. This sum is never
located in the same row as the report lengths vary each day. Is there a wayt
to create a summary sheet and list the totals from each sheet on the summary
page with VBA code rather thatn copy and paste them all on to the summary

For example

Sheet titled "cards" has Sum in Column D, row 56
Sheet titled "checks" has sum in Column D row 66
Sheet Titled "cash" has sum in column D row 156.

The only common thread is the total on each sheet is the last text in Column
D on that sheet. Also the row number varies each day so my question is how
would I code to copy the last cell in Column D on the sheet titled Cards with
a sum total to sheet titled Summary into Cell B4, the same for sheet Checks
copy to cell B5 in Summary sheet and Cash to cell B6. Is this even possible.


I don't think you need a macro for this. if all you have in D is a title,
then a series of values and a Sum of those values, you can probably just link
the cell on the new sheet. something like =SUM('Checks !d:d)/2
The "/2" deletes the sum that is already calculated from the value. Giving
you the Sum of all the data in that column.

If you have other stuff in that column, I would just write a While loop to
find the last row. I am not the greatest as that so I won't embarrass myself
with my poor programming.


I need to use VBA because I name the report each day with the current date.
I need this to be a macro. How can I accomplish this with code, I appreciate
your help, thank you

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