Summary sheet



Hello, any help on the following would be appreciated...

I want to create a sheet that has formulas which refer to the same ranges in
a varying number of workbooks in a specified folder. I am just learning VBA
so I am not sure the best approach.

Thanks in advance.
Ariel Dugan
Assistant Manager
Down To Earth Natural Foods
808-947-7678 Phone
808-943-8491 Fax
808-282-5916 Cell
(e-mail address removed)

Tom Ogilvy

Sub AddFormulas()
Dim bk as Workbook, sh as Worksheet
Dim i as Long, fName as String
' create a new one sheet workbook
set bk = Workbooks.Add(Template:=xlWBATWorksheet)
' set a reference to a sheet in the book
set sh = bk.Worksheets(1)
' mark the first row where you want a formula
i = 1
' get the name of the first workbook in the
' directory
fname = Dir("C:\MyFolder\*.xls")
do While fName <> ""
' build the linking formula
fName ="='C:\MyFolder\[" & fName & "]Sheet1'!$B$9"
' place the formula in the cell (F1 is the first in this example)
sh.cells(i,"F").Formula = fName
' increment the row counter
i = i + 1
' get the next filename
fName = dir()
bk.SaveAs "C:\MySummaries\MySummary1.xls"
End Sub

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