summaries of summaries..



I have a table of employees, a table of expenses of those employees, a table
of supervisors of those employees and a table of departments that those
supervisors are in. I made a query that prompts you for an employee's name
and a date range *the dates are in the expense table*. It then itemizes all
expenses by that employee. I can't figure out how to then create an query
that will then show a list of employee summaries that will take a supervisors
name and return an list of employees and their total expenses... I then want
to summarize that by department but I think those two are connected..

If someone *say an mvp* reads this and decides not to post could they
mention if there is something wrong with my post? I used to have really good
discussions on here and my last few posts have gotten nothing.. not sure if
posts are confusing *being confused about an issue leads to confused posts..*
or if I have missed some ettiquette........

Thank you,


Nothing wrong with you posts.
No ettiquette broken.
We have just chosen to ignore you :)

Have you tried using a totals query?
In the query builder, click on the icon that looks like the Greek letter
Sigma. You will get a new row in the builder and you can select how you want
to handle each field. It will take some experimenting to get it right, but
you can do it.

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