SUMIF using two columns in both Range and Criteria



I have a speadsheet with columns as under:

Account Code Department Amount
------------ ---------- ------
7000 12 £100
7050 5 £250

There are a couple of hundred rows with different account numbers and a
variety of Department numbers.

Is there a way I can use SUMIF to summarize the amounts by Code AND
Department? In other words I want to sum ALL the amounts with Code 7000
and Dept 12 etc.


Bob Phillips

As an aside, this version


although longer is more efficient I am sure

Dave Peterson

And might be safer, too.

If the OP had something like this,

Account Dept
7000 12
70001 2
7 00012

the original formula might yield incorrect results.

Aladin Akyurek

You can stay with SumIf if you create an additional column...

Let A1:C3 house the sample you provided.

D1: Concat

D2, copied down:


Now invoke...


where F2 houses an account number and G1 a department.

If you are on Excel 2003, convert A1:D3 into a list using
Data|List|Create List.

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