Sumif outputs values



Is there any way to do the same as SUMIF that will output the text of a cell?
(SUMIF only outputs values)
Basically two spreadsheets each with a similar list of names in one column
and in the second column some info. the two sheets need to be merged into one
with both sets of info next to the list of names.
(Of course some of the names in each do not match as sheets were set up by
different people at different times etc etc) about 80% will match though)
many Thanks


Take a look at VLOOKUP(), which will return text; another alternative
is to nest a MATCH() function inside an INDEX() function but this
option is less intuitive.

There are many posts in this forum that deal with "comparing two
spreadsheets", so you should have a wide and deep body of suggestions
to work with.


SUMIF is all about conditionally ADDing, and I'm not sure what that means if
you've got text rather than numbers. Is VLOOKUP what you're looking for?
That's used to extract info from a table based on a key (in your case, the
name). So if your lookup value is the name in list1, next to that you'd put
a vlookup referencing that row's name as the key value and list2 as the


Thanks alot

bpeltzer said:
SUMIF is all about conditionally ADDing, and I'm not sure what that means if
you've got text rather than numbers. Is VLOOKUP what you're looking for?
That's used to extract info from a table based on a key (in your case, the
name). So if your lookup value is the name in list1, next to that you'd put
a vlookup referencing that row's name as the key value and list2 as the

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