SumIf based on two criteria



I currently have a sheet. It tracks my finances. It is setup such that:
A: Establishment where I bought something
B: Date
C: Category of Purchase
D: Amount of Purchase
E: Memo Field
F: Tender (Cash, Check, Credit Card, etc.)
G: Day of the Week purchase was made

Right now, I use a sum if to Sum Column D Dependent on Tender.

I will be getting married before the end of the year (and discussions of
that aside), I want to know how to Do a SumIf on the Amount category that is
based both on the Tender and on who spent it (which will be a new column H).

So I would have:

Mark Anne
Cash total total
Check total total
Credit Card 1 total total

with each of those totals being computed based on cash and the name of the
person who spent it.

If anyone knows how to do this, I'd appreciate the input.



Assuming that J1:L4 contains...

Mark Anne
Cash total total
Check total total
Credit Card 1 total total

....enter the following formula in K2 and copy down and across:


Adjust the range for your source data accordingly.

Hope this helps!

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