Sumif based on different values in different cells



How do I sum only the numbers in Col B that are not associated with 0 in Col
C. That is, how do I get a sum of 40.4% (22.1+15.4+13.6). Thanks very much.

Col A Col B Col C
Cat A 10.4% 0.0%
Cat B 9.5% 0.0%
Cat C 9.5% 0.0%
Cat D 22.1% 0.1%
Cat E 12.3% 0.0%
Cat F 10.8% 0.0%
Cat G 15.4% 8.9%
Cat H 2.9% 13.6%
Cat I 3.5% 0.0%
Cat J 3.5% 0.0%


SteveC, use the following formula, after adjusting the range to fit your
number of rows: =SUMIF(C2:C10,"<>0",B2:B10). HTH


nevermind, thanks:


I have a more difficult but related question next...

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