Sum & VLookup



How do I accomplish this. I have 2 sheets in one workbook. The first sheet

BP# Total$ Misc
1 0
2 0
3 0

The second sheet is

BP# Phase Qunatity Unit Rate Subtotal
3 Demo 3 2 6
6 Drywall 2 2 4
3 Safety 5 1 5

i would like the TOTAL$ cell in the first sheet to be the SUM of all
subtotals in the second sheet where the BP# of the second sheet matches the
BP# of the row of that same TOTAL$ row in the first sheet.

So in this short example then the TOTAL$ for BP#3 in the first sheet would
equal $11.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am stuck.
Frank M.


Use sumif instead of vlookup. In cell b2, rather than
=vlookup(a2,Sheet2!A:E,5,false), it's =sumif(Sheet2!A:A,a2,Sheet2!E:E)


Thank you it worked perfectly:)
Frank M.

bpeltzer said:
Use sumif instead of vlookup. In cell b2, rather than
=vlookup(a2,Sheet2!A:E,5,false), it's =sumif(Sheet2!A:A,a2,Sheet2!E:E)

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