Sum unique values based on criteria



Hi all
The following is my data
Name Code amount
John Red 3,700
Smith Red 3,700
Apple Brown 2,100
Orange Brown 2,100
James Green 37,500
Hick Green 37,500
Asish Yellow 2,100
David Yellow 2,100
Gomes Yellow 2,100
Lorry 3,700
Jain 3,700

I want to sum all the amounts for unique code values. e.g.
red+brown+green+yellow = 3700 +2100 +37500 + 2100 = 45400.
My data is not sorted on code.
For code = "", i can get the sum using sumproduct.
Any suggestions


Assuming that A2:C12 contains the data, try the following formula that
needs to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER...


Hope this helps!

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