Sum of results of multiple criterias



Say I have a report sent to me as below:-

Emile Heskey ASSL1NP 12
Wayne Rooney ABCV1NP 8
Peter Crouch ABCV1NP 3
Wayne Gerrard ASSL1NP 5
Martin Crouch ASSL1NP 10
Ryan Heskey ABCV1NP 7
Crouch Tiger ASSL2AM 4

Now I want to create a table which automatically find name that contain
Crouch AND also contain the letters "SSL" in his tag in column B, and then
sum the corresponding numbers in column C. I need to do this also for other
names and tabulate them in a table. Help please.

Ashish Mathur


You may use this formula. C12 holds Crouch and D12 holds SSL. I have
assumed that the range below is C4:E10



Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP

Ron Rosenfeld

Say I have a report sent to me as below:-

Emile Heskey ASSL1NP 12
Wayne Rooney ABCV1NP 8
Peter Crouch ABCV1NP 3
Wayne Gerrard ASSL1NP 5
Martin Crouch ASSL1NP 10
Ryan Heskey ABCV1NP 7
Crouch Tiger ASSL2AM 4

Now I want to create a table which automatically find name that contain
Crouch AND also contain the letters "SSL" in his tag in column B, and then
sum the corresponding numbers in column C. I need to do this also for other
names and tabulate them in a table. Help please.

One method is to use the Advanced Filter (under the Data menu or ribbon)

For example
Name your three columns. I used Name Code Count

Some place on your workbook set up a criteria range that looks like:

Name Code
*Crouch* *SSL*

Select some cell in your data table. Then Data/Advanced Filter

In the dialog box ensure your list range is correct. Then select the criteria
range and, optionally, a separate area to have the results (Copy to:).

You can change the "Copy to:" range for differing criteria.

Given your criteria, I obtained this table:

Name Code Count
Martin Crouch ASSL1NP 10
Crouch Tiger ASSL2AM 4


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