Sum If? Help



ColumnA Column B ColumnC ColumnD
$2,958.73 Kelly RSP 5-Feb-07
$91,000.00 Sherri Non-Reg 12-Feb-07
$15,648.47 Kelly RRIF 21-Mar-07
These are my columns. I want to make a running total for each salesperson
PER QUARTER. So if their name appears in Column B AND Jan, Feb or Mar
appears in Column D, I want it to add their sales numbers from Column A to
this quarterly total:

Ex) Kelly appeared in Col B AND Feb appeared in Column D so it added
$2958.73 to her total quarterly sales:

Kelly 1st Quarter Sales $18607.2


Say headers are in Row1, and data is in A2 to D100,
And the name of the person to find is entered in E2 (Kelly),
And the start date of the quarter in question is entered into E3 (1-Jan-07),
And the end date of the quarter is entered into E4 (31-Mar-07).

Then try this:


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