Suggested features, bugs



Hi group + MS/GIANT Developers

The 2 features I would love...
1. Common Win32 menus and Keyboard shortcuts for anything in the GUI. For
example, Alt+F gets you File on the menu. Have seen people request this
previously, and feedback that it is being worked on for Beta 2, but wanted
to add another request for this feature.
2. The ability to "Remove" during a scheduled or command-line driven scan.
Currently can just quarantine, as far as I can tell.

Minor the CHM, there are 2 typos
utomatically Updating
Warn if form submittle is being redirected

Thanks for your work on this product!

Bill Sanderson

One factor behind the Quarantine default on a scheduled scan is the issue of
p2p users who have lost considerable data during the course of this beta.
Between that issue, and the possibility of false positives, I tend to like
this default.

What's your vision--that you would choose between Quarantine and Remove for
all bugs on scheduled scans--as an option?

Andre Da Costa

I think MSAS needs to have some intelligence to differentiate music files
from .exe's. Then gives the user a warning that it will eliminate such as
files contained within a the directories of a P2P program that can spread
malicious on your PC through such networks.

It would then it would give the user the reasoning to decide to back up the
files first. ;-)


Ron Chamberlin

That would possibly be a slippery slope to traverse. With the high junk
content of what is presently available on most P2P's, just because it says
it's an .mp3 wouldn't convince me. Take a look for example to the masses
who opened the 'Snow White.Scr' a couple of years back, or the vulnerability
of .cpl files now.

If one were to do anything with the commonalty called 'MySharedFolder', I
would Quarantine the entire shebang, and pop a notice up that careful
removal of those freeware grunge bands .mp3's from that area would be a good

Ron Chamberlin


Hi everybody,

If I might suggest one more feature for this application -
there is no visible/noticeable difference in the
AntiSpyware status icon on the task bar when security
agents are enabled and/or disabled.
I think users (especially unexperienced ones) should be
informed in visible (easy recognizable) way that agents
are disabled and security level is lowered in the system.

Kind regards
Mikolaj Kaminski

Bill Sanderson

One frequent suggestion we've seen here is that the Security Center
functionality be expanded to include a new category of antispyware apps.

There's some risk here--the more different issues that can cause the
Security Center to pop up and alarm, the more likely it is that a user will
feel it is crying wolf, and perhaps ignore a valid warning. My own Security
center goes red citing lack of firewall for a good many seconds during the
boot process--seconds in which I believe I am connected to the Internet and
able to receive traffic. (I'm also behind a router, so I don't worry too
much, but I'd like to understand what is happening.)

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