Subtraction Function using cells with other functions in them

  • Thread starter Thread starter modemers
  • Start date Start date


I am running a decreasing balance in a column. It is a chart tracking 12
months top to bottom. I have the functions set as such. For Example, in CELL
D11, I have the following function: =IF(D10="","",D9-D10).
I used "" because D10 has a function in it. So I only want excel to do the
math if D10 actually has a number in it, even if that number is zero. The
IF function noted above repeats down the column 12 times. Lets say in May
when I enter data elsewhere, D10 gets a value from ITS function and then D11
gets a value from ITS function. All the cells below D11 show "" (appear

NOW here's what I can't figure out. How can I get the current lowest value
in the column to display in a cell at the bottom of the chart (say D36).
I've tried =(D11-D13-D15-D17.......) But Excel has trouble with all the cells
that don't have actual numbers in them yet and returns #VALUE.
How can I tell it to run a subtraction function using only the cells with
actual numbers in them and ignore cells that have only unrealized formulas?
Or is there another way to approach this.
Hi there.
There are several ways to achieve that. Here is one of them:

=IF(ISNUMBER(D11),D11,0) - IF(ISNUMBER(D13),D13,0) - ...

You could try the MIN function. MIN (D11,D13,D15,D17) would give you the
smallest number and cells that contain text ("" is consiered text) are
SUM and MAX also work the same way.

If you have to do a math operation for individual cells you would have to
check each cell like this =IF(ISNUMBER(D11),D11,0) - IF(ISNUMBER(D13),D13,0)