subtracting from multiple cells


He cries for help

I am trying to subtract a given number from numerous cells i.e. A1,A2,A3,-6.
I want to do this from a remote cell by just entering a number. This cell
will be
used to update these cells (i.e. A1,A2,A3) on a daily basis.

The target cells should update with each entry.

Thanks in advance, as you can tell I am a Novice. I am more of a access user.

Otto Moehrbach

Assuming the range you want to change is A1:A6 and the remote cell is H1 and
they are all on the same sheet, the following macro does what you want.
Note that this macro is a sheet macro and must be placed in the sheet module
of the sheet in question. To access that sheet, right-click on the sheet
tab, select View Code. Paste this macro into the displayed module. "X" out
of the module to return to the sheet. HTH Otto
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address(0, 0) = "H1" Then
Range("A1:A6").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll,
End If
End Sub



One way by using formula. Create a helper column let’s say in column C with
the data which is in A1,A2….
In H1 is the remote cell by which you want to subtract a given number. Put
in A1 this formula =C1-H$1 and copy down.
You can either hide or put the helper column in a different sheet if you want.



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