Substitute for Dragging



I am looking to fill a formula in specific cell say A2
then I want this formula to be there in the whole column A, i.e. from
Till now the only way I know is to drag the formula and it autofill the
cells with the formul but if I need to do it all the way uptill cell no 65536
then it takes a lot of time to drag.

Please can ne 1 tell of any other substitute method for doing the same.

I am looking for a similar kind of thing for filling the series where we
just specify the source of the series and till where do we want to extend the
series/ Formula.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Peo Sjoblom

Select the first cell with the formula, press Ctrl + Shift & down arrow,
will select to the last cell, then press Ctrl + D to fill formula down
That begs the question why would you need 65536 formulas, you realize it
will make the workbook slower and if you don't use more than let's say 1000
rows it's a real waste?


well i need to fill the formulas n series uptill 30 cells but i don't like
dragging so is there an other way


Imagine you have cells filled in down column A (maybe several thousand
of them) and a formula in B1 which you want to copy down. The easiest
way is to select B1 and then double-click the fill handle, which is the
small black square in the bottom right hand corner of the selected
cell(s). As long as you have data in the column to the left of the cell
(or even in the column itself), then this will copy the formula down to
the last entry of contiguous data.

To simulate this, enter a 1 into A1 of a new sheet and fill a series of
numbers down that column. Enter the formula =A1 + 2 in cell B1, select
that cell again and double click the fill handle. Copy B1 into C1:E1,
then with these cells highlighted double the fill handle again. A bit
quicker than dragging, when you have many thousands of rows!

There are other keyboard shortcuts that can be used which are a lot
quicker than using a mouse when you have very large files.

Hope this helps.


Gord Dibben


Enter the formula in A1 then select the namebox and enter A1:A30 and <enter>

Now hit CTRL + D to fill down.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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