SubReport on Page Footer of main report shows first record only.



Hi All, and thanks in advance for any help.

I am making a report, that will be a catalog for our company.
The detail section has the products info, and since some products show
up twice on the details,I decided to save space, and put the picture of
each product only once, at the bottom of each page.
For that I made a subreport that will show the pictures. It is based on
a table that populates through code, on every report Detail Format
event. That way I know what products are displayed on the page, and
only show pictures of them.
For some reason the subreport works fine when opened by itself, but
when is previewed inside the main report, shows only the first record
(first picture).

Again thanks in advance.

Duane Hookom

Page Headers and Footers do not grow. You may need to group your products
and show pictures in Group Footers.

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