Subreport On No Data

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jane
  • Start date Start date


Hello everyone,

I have a report with 2 subreports.
On each sub report is a sum total in the report footer
On the main report is a calculated box that adds the 2 subreport totals.

If either of the sub reports has no data the main report shows Error.
I have tried Nz function on all sums (on the sub and main reports) but this
does not help.

Can anyone help with this problem.

Thank you

Jane Hollin
Use this on your main form

= IIf(SubReport_1_Name.Report.HasData,
SubReport_1_Name.Report!ControlName,0) + IIf(SubReport_2_Name.Report.HasData,

Change the names to what they really are.

Basically you are checking if the subreport "HasData" and it a true or false
like most IIF's
In this case if it's true (has data) then you add the control name - if it's
false you add 0
