SubQuery in Select who need value of MainQuery



I use Access 2000 and have a table Products (tProd), with the fields Code,
Name, Category and Turnover. For this table i have the following query.

Select tP.Code, tP.Name, tP.TurnOver, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] / (Select
SUM(tPa.TurnOver) From tProd tPa) * 100),2) AS Perc_Total From tProd tP

This query works fine and give me the percent TurnOver to Total TurnOver
(for all products) for each product.
Now i want to go to a next step. I need also the percent TurnOver to total /
category. For that i try the following

Select tP.Code, tP.Name, tP.TurnOver, tP.Category, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] /
(Select SUM(tPa.TurnOver) From tProd tPa) * 100),2) AS Perc_Total,
ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] / (Select SUM(tPb.TurnOver) From tProd tPb Where
tPb.Category = tP.Categorie) * 100),2) AS Perc_Category
From tProd tP

This query isn't work, when i try to run it a popup window ask me the value
for tP.Categorie. How to change it?

Beste Regards, Vic

Jason Lepack

Select tP.Code, tP.Name, tP.TurnOver, tP.Category, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] /
(Select SUM(tPa.TurnOver) From tProd tPa) * 100),2) AS Perc_Total,
ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] / (Select SUM(tPb.TurnOver) From tProd tPb Where
tPb.Category = tP.Categorie) * 100),2) AS Perc_Category
From tProd tP

In the 4th line change "Categorie" to "Category" and you should be

I use Access 2000 and have a table Products (tProd), with the fields Code,
Name, Category and Turnover. For this table i have the following query.

Select tP.Code, tP.Name, tP.TurnOver, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] / (Select
SUM(tPa.TurnOver) From tProd tPa) * 100),2) AS Perc_Total From tProd tP

This query works fine and give me the percent TurnOver to Total TurnOver
(for all products) for each product.
Now i want to go to a next step. I need also the percent TurnOver to total /
category. For that i try the following

Select tP.Code, tP.Name, tP.TurnOver, tP.Category, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] /
(Select SUM(tPa.TurnOver) From tProd tPa) * 100),2) AS Perc_Total,
ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] / (Select SUM(tPb.TurnOver) From tProd tPb Where
tPb.Category = tP.Categorie) * 100),2) AS Perc_Category
From tProd tP

This query isn't work, when i try to run it a popup window ask me the value
for tP.Categorie. How to change it?

Beste Regards, Vic

John Spencer

You refer to Category in one place and Categorie in another. So, fix the

Select tP.Code
, tP.Name
, tP.TurnOver
, tP.Category
, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] /
(Select SUM(tPa.TurnOver) From tProd tPa) * 100),2) AS Perc_Total
, ROUND(([tP].[TurnOver] /
(Select SUM(tPb.TurnOver) From tProd tPb
Where tPb.Category = tP.Category) * 100),2) AS Perc_Category
From tProd tP

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County