submit secure form to email



I have a dedicated IP. When the client hyperlinks to a form it takes them to When the information on the form is
filled out and submitted, I have it set to send to email and send client to
confirm.htm. Somewhere in there they get lost, though, and get a "FrontPage
Error". Is there a special line of code I need to input to get this form to
do what it is supposed to do?

Andrew Murray

The FP server extensions probably need to be configured to work on a https:
connection. Contact your host.

Also check with your host that they have allowed the "sending email"
component of the server extensions.

"(e-mail address removed)"

Tom [Pepper] Willett

If you are having them send sensitive information via email, such as credit
card info, etc., it will NOT be encrypted or secure in the email using https
and a secure certificate.

You need a program to encrypt the email.

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