SubForm Upside Down!



Is it possible to turn the SubForm upside down so as you have the blank Text
boxes at the top then the last entry underneath it
Thanks for any Help......Bob


If I cant turn it upside down, Is it possible to always show the blank row
at the end of the SubForm/SubReport

Bob said:
Oops the Record Source:
SELECT * FROM tblRemarks ORDER BY [SrNo];
Thanks Bob

Bob said:
Is it possible to turn the SubForm upside down so as you have the blank
Text boxes at the top then the last entry underneath it
Thanks for any Help......Bob

Dirk Goldgar

Bob said:
Is it possible to turn the SubForm upside down so as you have the
blank Text boxes at the top then the last entry underneath it
Thanks for any Help......Bob

Use two subforms, one above the other. The top one should be just big
enough to display a single rowm, and should have its Data Entry property
set to Yes. The one on the bottom is set to display existing records
only, by having its Allow Additions property set to No, and is based on
a query that returns the records in the descending order you want. In
the AfterInsert event of the top subform, requery the second subform.

Rick Brandt

Bob said:
Dirk , the Subform/Subreport did not have any of those
properties......Thanks Bob

The form being hosted inside the control has those properties.


Dirk I just cant seem to get the top sub form to show the empty blank row at
the top....Thanks Bob

Douglas J. Steele

As Dirk suggested, set the top subform's DataEntry property to True (Yes),
and all it will show is a single blank row.


Thanks Douglas, But there is no change when I change the Data Entry, and I
cant find a way for subTopRemark to requery subRemark
Thanks Bob


Ok I cheated, I copied my other subform and changed its name, Is that a


Ok Actually I have given up now I cant get it to work, so I will stick with
the old SubForm, even if it means scrolling down 200 records to see the
latest entry and add another in.....Thanx.....Bob

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