Subform question



Is it possible select a specific subform based upon data that is in a text
box on the main form.

For example, I control three different shops each with their own training
requirements and when I select Training on a tab control, I would like the
subform to be displayed to only contain that particular shop's requirements.

What I want to do is create three separate subforms each based upon their
own table that is linked to the main table and when I select someone whose
shop is Avionics, I want the Avionics training subform to be displayed.



You can acheive this by changing the "SourceObject" property of the
subform control on the main form.

For example, in your main form "Current" event procedure :

If txtCtrl.Value "Avionics" Then
Me.sfmCtrl.SourceObject = "frmAvionics"

Hope this helps !

Strike Eagle a couché sur son écran :

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