subform data validation frustration.


Andre C

I am having frustration with regards to validating data in a sub form of a medical database. Despite lengthy goggling I failed to find an asnwer to date.

If I miss out a part dataentry on the subform I receive the message "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table XXX" That is fine but I want to produce a more user friendly error. I had put my validation code int he before update event of teh subform but this does not seem to be triggered.

The data in the subform goes to a table called amitanddischarge and does have linked tables to it, which is what I presume is triggering the message.


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You presume correctly. You can trap the error and display a more
user-friendly message in the form's Error event.

"Goggling". I like it.

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