Sub or Function not defined



I am working on a db and I have a form and on this form I have a button that
would perform a Run a SQL script in this SQL script i have a “where†clause

When I click on the button it takes me back to the code and the “where†is
highlighted and I am getting a compile error “Sub or Function is not Definedâ€

How do I handle this error?



post the SQL you are trying to run and the code where you are trying to run
it. You question is too vague. It is like "Doctor, I don't fell so good,
what's wrong with me?"


Here is the code
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT Current_Month_Data.[obligor & obligation],
Current_Month_Data.src_sys_id, Current_Month_Data.ucr_rtg,
Current_Month_Data.facility_limit, Current_Month_Data.charge_off,
Current_Month_Data.facility_binding_limit INTO [Current Month UCR] FROM
WHERE (((Current_Month_Data.ucr_rtg) Is Null))

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