Sub Form Requery



I have a main form with a combo box on it called cboIncident. I also have a
listbox on the form called "trainee" that is populated by a query. I want
the listbox to requery every time I change the value in the combo box. The
listbox query selects all individuals that have the same Incident ID as the
value from the combo box. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Jerry Porter

Create an AfterUpdate event procedure for cboIncident as follows:

In the properties window for cboIncident, select the Event called After
Update, click the builder button (...), and select Code Builder.

Enter the following line of code:



Jerry Porters suggestion did not work. It either didn't requery or refresh
the listbox to show the new results. Any Other ideas?

Jerry Porter


This is a very common technique, and I've used it quite a lot. If it's
not working, then there's something simple missing in your
implementation or in my understanding of the situation or in my

The code window should look something like:

Private Sub cboIncident_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

If you're familiar with the Access debugging tools, I would suggest
putting a break point on the line of code with the Requery command.
Then see if it is executing when you change the value in the combo box.


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