Styles - Numbered List



I set up a style for a numbered list and when I apply the style and I get my
numbers 1, 2 3 etc. However, when I want to create another list based on this
style, the numbering starts at 4, it continues on from the last list. I went
into Format - Styles and looked for the "restart numbering" but when you are
in the modify style, that option is not there. How do I modify the style so
that the next time I apply it the numbering will start a 1. I am using Word

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards,


Charles Kenyon

See: How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Word
document (For
bullets see, the
subject is related.)

This is based on ...

Word's Numbering Explained

Additional information you may find useful or need is at:

How to Create a Template, Part II

Legal Numbering

You would want the first level of your numbering styles to not have any
numbering. You can use it to restart the numbering. I believe you can even
format it as hidden text.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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Hi Charles,

The numbered list I am talking about is not a heading numbered list. I have
already set my headings to be numbered. This is in the body of my document, I
want to add a numbered list. - 1, 2, 3,4 etc. I apply the style "numbered
list" which is available in all styles. The first list is fine. When I want
to create another numbered list later in my document, the numbering starts at
5. I want to modify the Numbered List syle to create a list always starting
at number 1. Otherwise I have to go to Format Bulleting and Numbering and
click "restart numbering"



Charles Kenyon

Ah! I thought we were talking outline numbering because you mentioned

I would not use list numbering the way you are, but that may be my ignorance
showing through again.

See Hope that
will help.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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