Student rating

Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score

My program is based on Access 2003.I need help with code that will address the following: rate students and produce Term ReportCards.

The Pass requirements in brief: 7 subjects of which 5 must be passed based on a certain criteria. The criteria is:

1 .Pass minimum 5 subjects

2. Minimum Total Marks obtained must be 720

3.Subject (LO) MUST be passed, otherwise a fail in LO means FAIL even if criteria 1 & 2 have been met.


FormName: G10Commerce

This form has student details

SubForm: G10Commerce

Has subject details i.e

SubjectName: a total of 7 subjects selected through a ComboBox(Drop-Down)

MinimumMarks; which is 30 or 40 percent of MaximumMarks on the subject

MarksObtained=Marks obtained in exam

Remarks: populated based on Marks obtained i.e MarksObtained > MiniMarks =Pass

(I am using IIf([Obtained]>=[Minimum],”PASS’,”FAIL”)statement to select applicable remark;would appreciate code for this as well)


Criteria 1

LO=40%,VNC=40%,FAL-40%(minimum marks FAL=30% ,BUT it does not secure a PASS)

SUBJECTS 4,5 & 6 (minimum permisible 30%,however ANY 2 of these should be 40% to secure a PASS

For student to be promoted to next grade the following requirement must be met;

· Total number of subjects passed based on criteria 1

· Total minimum marks obtained must be 720 again in keeping with criteria1

In other words

· Total marks @ 720 and 4 subjects passed = Fail

· Number of subjects passed 5 or more Total marks obtained < than 720 = Fail

· Total marks obtained 720 or more subjects passed 5, but LO not passed = Fail

I am desparate,please help with code.Chrismas


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